

Dean / Distinguished Professor Li-Yin Chien

  • Name
    Chien, Li-Yin

    Distinguished Professor

    Contact information
    Office:Nursing Building Room 607
    Contact number:02-28267142


    Research focus and Specialty

    • Maternal and child health

    • Health promotion

    • Community health nursing

    • Complementary and alternative medicine

  • Educational background

    • ScD, Department of Mental Hygiene, School of Public Health, the Johns Hopkins University, USA

    • MPH, Department of Mental Hygiene, School of Public Health, the Johns Hopkins University, USA

    • BS, Department of Nursing, National Taiwan University

    Current Employment

    • Distinguished Professor, Institute of Community Health Care, College of Nursing, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU)

    • Joint appointment: Professor, Institute of Public Health, NYCU & Professor, International Health Program, NYCU

    • Editor, Journal of Nursing Research (SCI journal)

    • Associate editor, BMC Health Services Research    (SCI journal)

    • Committee member, the Child Health Committee of the Ministry of Health and Welfare

    Past Employment

    • Director, Institute of Community Health Care, NYCU
    • Director, International Health Program, NYMU
    • Editor, Journal of Nursing Research (SCI Journal)
    • Associate editor, BMC Health Services Research (SCI Journal)
    • Committee Member, Children's Health Promotion Committee, Ministry of Health and Welfare
    • Rater, McMaster online rating of evidence (MORE)
    • Committee Member, Research and Development Consulting Committee, Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare
    • Rater, Time University Ranking
    • Rater, QS University Ranking
    • Nursing expert consultant, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
    • Nursing expert consultant, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Hospital